Copyright painting by Julie Stiebritz

NOTE: All the information below is listed to WARN all sellers about the prosecution cases. Some information may not be updated timely. Kindly be tolerant!

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Prosecution Type: Copyright

Law firm: Keith

History of incidents:

Prosecution time Case number Law firm Brand Brand side
17/03/2025 25-cv-02742 Keith Julie Stiebritz Julie Stiebritz
2023/3/30 23-cv-2011 Keith Copyright painting by JULIE STIEBRITZ JULIE STIEBRITZ

Brand introduction:

Julie Stiebritz is a designer, academic, and artist behind Kierkegaard Design Studio. The plaintiff is one of the best-selling artists on the Society6 online platform for independent artist original works.

Official website:

Register Copyright:

This case involved many copyright pictures! Images of Julie Stiebritz ’s works will definitely involve copyright issues, so products printed with characters are extremely risky.


Because there are many copyright patterns involved, seller friends can compare the product patterns on the official website to avoid using all copyrights of the brand!