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Brand Owner: Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

Prosecution Type: Trademark

Acting law firm: GBC – IL

History of incidents:

Prosecution time Case number Law firm Brand Brand side
03/01/2025 25-cv-00063 GBC Leatherman Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
07/10/2024 24-cv-09625 GBC Leatherman
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
11/3/2024 24-cv-2036 GBC Leatherman Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
3/1/2024 24-cv-00088 GBC Leatherman Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

Brand introduction:

Leatherman is an American brand of multi-tools, shears, and knives founded in 1983 that is committed to bringing consumers high-quality products to help solve expected and unexpected problems in everyday life.

Leatherman has become a global success and is known as the originator and world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality multi-tools. Plaintiff currently sells fifty (50) Leatherman Products in approximately eighty (80) countries and employs over five hundred (500) full-time employees.


Plaintiff has registered several of its trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. 

Therefore, seller friends cannot use words on the above table: LEATHERMAN, LEATHERMAN FREE, RAPTOR, BLADE LAUNCHER… and logo of Leatherman.


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