Michael Buxton

NOTE: All the information below is listed to WARN all sellers about the prosecution cases. Some information may not be updated timely. Kindly be tolerant!

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Prosecution time: 2023/8/10

Case number: 23-cv-5313

Brand side: Michael Buxton

Prosecution Type : Copyright

Law Firm: Keith – IL 

Prosecution time Case number Law firm Brand Brand side
03/03/2025 25-cv-02221 Keith Michael Buxton Michael Buxton
20/02/2025 25-cv-01778 Keith Michael Buxton Michael Buxton
2023/8/14 23-cv-5467 Keith Michael Buxton Michael Buxton
2023/8/14 23-cv-5446 Keith Michael Buxton Michael Buxton
2023/8/10 23-cv-5313 Keith Michael Buxton Michael Buxton

Brand introduction: 

Michael Buxton is a freelance designer who sells his designs and products on various online print-on-demand sites and has had his works licensed by numerous companies. 

Product website: https://www.redbubble.com/fr/people/DinoMike/shop

This case involved 48 copyright images! The following are works of the plaintiff, and any unauthorized use constitutes infringement​. 

Because there are many copyright patterns involved, seller friends can compare the product patterns on the official website to avoid using all copyrights of the brand!