NOTE: All the information below is listed to WARN all sellers about the prosecution cases. Some information may not be updated timely. Kindly be tolerant!

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Brand side: Sassan Filsoof

Prosecution Type : Copyright

Law Firm: Keith – IL  

Prosecution time Case number Law firm Brand Brand side
25/9/2023 23-cv-14061 Keith Sassan Filsoof Sassan Filsoof

Brand introduction: 

Filsoof was formally trained as an industrial designer, and then traditional animator, but he always had a strong affinity towards graphics and drawing. After running two successful businesses, he returned to his passion for illustration and design. He always looks for ways to explore new approaches and applications. For example, he loves the look and feel of retro posters from the 20th century, and he likes to incorporate them with a contemporary twist into his themes. With the cycling designs, he has been immersed in Europe’s rich cycling culture for many years; it allows him to visualize and present it in a new exciting way for everyone to enjoy this wonderful sport. Now he is taking this approach to other sports such as skiing, motorsports and more.

Product website:



This case involved 48 copyright images! The following are works of the plaintiff, and any unauthorized use constitutes infringement​. 


Because there are many copyright patterns involved, seller friends can compare the product patterns on the official website to avoid using all copyrights of the brand!