Kate Louise Powell

NOTE: All the information below is listed to WARN all sellers about the prosecution cases. Some information may not be updated timely. Kindly be tolerant!

“I have been sued – What to do?” – If you are our client, kindly contact support for some suggestion


Brand side: Kate Louise Powell
Type of lawsuit: Copyright
agency Law firm: Keith

History of incidents:

Prosecution time Case number Law firm Brand Brand side
06/02/2025 25-cv-01307 Keith Kate Louise Powell Kate Louise Powell
08/01/2025 25-cv-00191 Keith Kate Louise Powell Kate Louise Powell
2024/5/7 24-cv-3711 Keith  Kate Louise Powell copyright painting
Kate Louise Powell
21/9/2023 23-cv-13977 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell
2023/9/13 23-cv-10969 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell
2023/1/30 23-cv-568 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell
2023/1/30 23-cv-567 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell
2023/1/30 23-cv-566 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell
2023/1/30 23-cv-564 Keith Kate Louise Powell copyright painting Kate Louise Powell

brand introduction:

Kate Louise Powell is an illustrator and animal rights activist from Halifax, West Yorkshire, currently based in Glasgow. The plaintiffs aim to use the illustrations to reveal specific acts of animal cruelty and morally inconsistent human behavior, and to advance conversations about how everyone views and treats nonhuman animals.
Plaintiff’s etsy shop URL: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KateLouisePowell

Register Copyright:

This case involves the following 3 works pictures